Black Publishers Cry Racism Over Wilson Outburst
When Barak Hussein Obama gave his speech on Wednesday night about health care, he made the statement that illegal immigrants would not be covered. Republican Rep. Joe Wilson from SC shouted out, calling the pres a liar. He also quickly made a formal apology for the outburst after the speech.Now, backed by the NAACP, the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) has canceled a planned January conference in South Carolina, and joined in a boycott started 10 years ago by the state NAACP in protest of the confederate flag waving from the Statehouse grounds.
I love this quote from the Fox News article:
"As African-American newspaper publishers we stand in solidarity with the NAACP and fully support the economic boycott of South Carolina," NNPA Chairman Danny J. Bakewell Sr. said. "Rep. Wilson's remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation -- not only of President Obama -- but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected.
How is calling the president a liar, racist? How is that disrespectful to black people (who apparently have a different currency in the "black dollar")? How is any white person calling a black person a liar, when said white believes he's just heard a lie, racist? If Obama called GW Bush a liar, would that be a racist comment? Hell, Obama probably has called him that and more during Bush's various State of the Union Addresses where half the congress would heckle and boo him.
But oh no! Don't talk bad about HIM. Don't call THE ANOINTED ONE names! Don't you dare have a differing of opinion with the President of your county! Because then your a bigot. I wonder how many black people are called racist for disagreeing with the pres because he's half white...
I also love how an inherently racist group (NAACP) is one to cry "racism".
Yes, I said that the NAACP is racist. I'm white. If I went to the NAACP to ask for help with college grants and loans, would they help me? No, because I'm not "Colored". That's racism in my book. I don't care, because I don't need their help, thank you very much. I'm doing fine on my own.
I think the NAACP does more harm than good. I think that they perpetuate the myth that everyone's out to get the colored person, therefore that colored person needs extra help. If I were black, I would be angered by groups and institutions like the NAACP. Groups that claim to fight for equality "for their kind." Groups that cry racism when someone or something goes against "their kind."
Racism is defined as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"
By offering the services that they offer, groups like the NAACP claim that "Colored People" (and I use that phrase because it's in thier name) are disadvantaged and need help. That would piss me off if I were black. And honestly, as a white man, it still pisses me off, BECAUSE IT'S REVERSED RACISM. It's belittling to the people that it claims to be in favor of, and it only serves to perpetuate the idea that one race is superior to another.
Everyone is inherently racist. It's in our nature. We are hardwired to accept and feel safe with what is similar and familiar, and to feel threatened by things that are different. Nearly all creatures in nature do the same thing. It's when you become intelligent enough to think past these primeval instincts that you don't care about color or creed.
I don't have much of a problem with the NAACP and what it does, because frankly, I don't care enough. If they want to be so short-sided that they "help" Colored People by indoctrinating them with the underlying subconscious belief that they are somehow inferior because of thier skin color, so be it. There's not a whole lot I can do about it above and beyond what I'm doing right here. (Hell, some would say that they're actually really intelligent and use the race card just to keep up the black vs white arguments amongst the ignorant)
All I know is that every time I have EVER heard someone accused of being racist, it's been the pot calling the kettle black. It's been someone looking for special treatment, and when they don't get their way, they "play the race card". They accuse whomever they are dealing with of being racist WHEN IT DOESN'T HAVE A GOD DAMNED THING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION.
Black woman walks into Radio Shack: "I need a battery for my watch."
White clerk at the counter: "Here you go, this is the battery that your watch needs."
BW: "Will you install it for me?"
WC: "No mam, we don't install them."
BW: "You're a racist!"
WC: "Mam, it's company policy. We don't install them because if I break your watch, then the company has to pay for it."
BW: "YOU ARE RACIST!! You won't install it for me because I'm black!!!"
White associate at Venture: "Can I help you sir?"
Black customer in the bedsheet Isle: "I need bedsheets to match the color of this curtain. But don't touch me. I saw you in the bathroom and you didn't wash your hands."
WA: "What? Why would I touch you..."
Venture manager approaches: "Is there a problem here?"
BC: "Your honkey employee here just made a racial comment to me, and I'm not to happy about it."
WA: *blink**blink* "Huh?"
I always felt that the NAACP was a discriminating racist abomination. It might have had it's place when segragation against black people was a real factor where black children were forced to go to school outside sitting on logs and reading school books that looked like they got pulled out of the bottom of a river but now it is purely a sickening display of a hypocritical bullshit. Buuuut it is not going anywhere, black or "colored people" as the institute likes to call there people (wtf is that! If I called a black person colored you would find me in a dumpster in east st. louis.) will pull the race card until the end of time because everything that is wrong with black people is the white mans fault. And you know what? I'm not racist one bit. But since I have a difference in opinion about NAACP I guess I'm a racist in their eyes.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes I am aware, very aware that this is not all black people. Not ALL of them agree with NAACP. Us saying this is an issue across the board is in fact racist because we are lumping all with some because of skin color. But people like Jessie Jackson are the worst ones because that is exactly what he is doing, lumping all the black people together making it seem like they are all in aggreance (is that a word? You get what I mean) with him because they are black.